Local Nurse Integrates Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion with Nursing Students
Hannah Caudill, a registered nurse at Columbus Regional Hospital and faculty member in the IU Columbus School of Nursing, along with the sophomore nursing students, recently hosted two groups of adults with disabilities at IU Columbus to learn about and practice personal healthcare, basic first aid, and what to do in emergencies. Hannah, who has a younger sister with an intellectual disability, has seen firsthand how difficult navigating healthcare can be, and even a little scary, for individuals with disabilities.
Student provided artwork to discuss how doctors made them feel.
As a faculty member at IU Columbus, Hannah is committed to teaching nursing, including aspects of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Knowing that individuals with disabilities often have anxiety around going to the doctor or may not be able to navigate the difference between an emergency or basic first aid, Hannah integrates relevant practice with her nursing students to increase disability awareness and equitable access to healthcare.
This year, as part of the course curriculum for her first-year nursing students to increase disability awareness, Hannah asked her students to develop practical lessons for the visiting groups that would teach skills to the individuals. As a result, individuals practiced identifying events as emergencies and non-emergencies and subsequently practiced calling 911 in simulated scenarios. In addition, the IU students discussed the importance of doctor visits and getting their vital signs taken. Students practiced blood pressure and listening to the heart and lungs with group volunteers, as well as working to calm anxiety and fears through a variety of different methods. The students also had the groups work on their own first aid skills, including bandaging, hand washing, and going over a first aid kit. The groups also learned about healthy eating and physical activity, including a short dance workout.
IU students act out an emergency scenario and have individuals do a sample 911 call.
IU students teach about basic home first aid.
IU students discuss the importance of vital signs and practice on volunteers.
As a practicing surgical nurse at Columbus Regional Hospital, Hannah has experienced patient diversity and wants to ensure her nursing students are prepared for the variety of backgrounds and needs of their future patients. Hannah is an advocate for individuals with disabilities and works closely with the Arc of Bartholomew County and the Columbus Autism Network.