Our Mission
The Arc of Bartholomew County is a 501(C)-3 Nonprofit Organization that promotes and protects the human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and actively supports their full inclusion and participation in the community throughout their lifetimes.
What we do:
Empower families with information and resources to assist them in their journey of raising a child with a disability to lead a full and meaningful life.
Empower people with intellectual and other developmental disabilities to be self sufficient and independent to the greatest extent possible.
Inspire and fight for positive change in public policy and public attitudes.
Offer training for businesses and individuals to promote deeper understanding, acceptance, and inclusion for those with disabilities.
Prevent disabilities through education about the dangers of drugs and alcohol while pregnant and advocating for all women to have quality prenatal care.
Serve as a spokesperson and advocate for families and their loved ones.
We actively advocate and encourage advocacy for the fair treatment and inclusion of individuals with IDD. We work closely with the Self-Advocates of Tomorrow, a group of self-advocates who speak out, advocate, and educate for equal rights, respect, and inclusion for all in the community.
We believe it’s important that all members of our community be educated in matters concerning individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Therefore, we have developed numerous training programs to encourage the inclusion and understanding of those with IDD.
We know if can be difficult knowing how to navigating the world of waivers, therapy, and other necessities for individuals with disabilities. We provide helpful resources to assist individuals with disabilities and their caregivers in finding the support they need.
We find great value in sharing the stories of individuals in our community with intellectual and developmental disabilities, their families, and those who play a positive role in their lives. We believe it is important that they are heard, appreciated, and celebrated for their accomplishments.
The Importance of Empowerment
We believe that everyone should achieve their full potential. Empowerment lies at the very core of The Arc of Bartholomew County's mission.
Thank you for helping us empower our community all year long.
The Arc Center for Excellence
The Arc Center for Excellence is a regional based, cross-disability facility that is developed and operated by the collaborative partners to provide an array of services and supports such as:
Disability information and referral
Training/community education
Self-Advocacy and Self-Determination
Parent/Family Support and Coordination
In Bartholomew County, approximately 18% of the area’s residents have a disability. The Arc Center for Excellence provides families with a local, up-to-date and supportive atmosphere for learning about their child’s disability.
The Arc Center works to develop and maintain comprehensive information on materials and resources available for self-advocates, parents/families and professionals. The Center is designed to be a one-stop directory of resources.
Stop by in-person at our office in Columbus, IN or reach out via our Contact Form.
The Arc’s Equality Statement
The Arc promotes equal right and access in everything we do. We strive to create an environment where everyone, regardless of ability, feels empowered, respected, and included in our community.