Always Ready for Chocolate 2025 Recap
Thank you to everyone who attended Always Ready for Chocolate 2025!
3 Reasons Why Digital Literacy is Important for People with Disabilities
The Arc of Bartholomew County explores why digital literacy is important for people with disabilities.

Recap of Breaking Barriers 2024
The Arc of Bartholomew County’s first inaugural Breaking Barriers event was a smashing success. Our speakers, sponsors, and special guest Madison Tevlin were able to deliver a wonderful experience.

Arc Press Release: Digital Literacy Training
Free Digital Skills Training Now Available for People with Disabilities in Bartholomew & Jackson County

An Ode to the Caregiver
Caregivers spend much of their time caring for other people but not enough for themselves. Today, The Arc is thanking them and encouraging them to rest.

Spotlight Article: Brandon Boas
Born in Columbus, Indiana, in 1983, Brandon Boas is an amazing individual who brings a smile to everyone around him. Today, The Arc of Bartholomew County would like to highlight his wonderful story.

Entering the Spectrum: Autism Communication Guide
Happy Autism Awareness Month! Now is a better time than ever to take some time to learn about the people with autism who make up nearly 3% of our population. One of the most significant barriers that exist between people with autism and neurotypical (no neurological disability) people is communication.
So, in the spirit of Autism Awareness Month, we are going to explore how to better communicate with individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

Celebrating 3 Famous Women With Disabilities
Let's celebrate International Women's Day and National Disability Awareness Month by telling the story of three famous women with disabilities.

2024 Legislative Session Policy Agenda
The Arc of Indiana’s 2024 legislative policy agenda.

Accessibility In the Winter Months
Winter can be a challenging time for people with physical disabilities. What is a minor inconvenience for most can be hazardous for people with extra accessibility needs. It is essential that we, as a society, think of people at all different ability levels to make sure everyone’s needs are met.

Local Nurse Integrates Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion with Nursing Students
Hannah Caudill, a registered nurse at Columbus Regional Hospital and faculty member in the IU Columbus School of Nursing, along with the sophomore nursing students, recently hosted two groups of adults with disabilities at IU Columbus to learn about and practice personal healthcare, basic first aid, and what to do in emergencies. Hannah, who has a younger sister with an intellectual disability, has seen firsthand how difficult navigating healthcare can be, and even a little scary, for individuals with disabilities.

The Arc of Indiana 2024 Public Policy Agenda Summary
See The Arc of Indiana's public policy agenda for 2024.

All About National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM)
National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) is about honoring and recognizing the accomplishments of people with disabilities in the workplace.
Join us this October in helping us recognize the vital role that employees with disabilities play in our communities.

Interacting With People Who Have Disabilities
A guide to help you better interact with people with disabilities.

Top 5 Ways to Help Someone With Autism Who Is Overloading or Melting Down
A guide to helping someone who is having an overload or a meltdown.

Disability Employment Stigmas And Misconceptions
A guide to some of the most prominent stigmas and misconceptions that people with disabilities face in the workplace and why they are false.