Join your peers in this HALF-DAY conference at the Columbus Learning Center (October 23, 12-5 PM) that includes both in-person and simulcast presentations to enhance personal and professional growth that will provide a fresh perspective on community leadership. Learn practical tools to lead and create change in your community with a renewed passion and drive.
LEARN, BE INSPIRED, and GET MOTIVATED as you learn from world-class leadership experts on leadership topics like manifesting a positive mindset and maintaining your energy.
IMPACT your sphere of influence by becoming a better leader of others with renewed passion and commitment.
Make MEANINGFUL CONNECTIONS by networking with peers who share your passion for leading in your community.
Kick off the SAT Leadership Workshop series at The Arc on October 24th at 5:00 PM.
10/22-6:00 pm - Champions Movie, YES Cinema
10/23-12:00-4:30 pm - Live 2 Lead Leadership Summit, The Columbus Learning Center
10/23 - 5:00 pm - Breaking Barriers Benefit with Keynote by Madison Tevlin, The Commons
10/24-5:00-8:00 pm - Leadership for Self-Advocates Workshop, The Arc